Studio Heck believe there is a need for good design in the world. We fight the fight every day, with every decision we make, to counter the modern cult of the careless and artless. Design is not always explicitly art though. Art has little responsibility to the meet the needs of the physical body in space…no national regulatory board, no A.S. 1428.1, no obligation to base human need. Design must also engage in the pragmatics of servicing the body. From this pragmatism however, a poetry can emerge. In the careful arrangement of material and light and space and form, there is music. This is where we arrive at our definition of design : the thoughtful and poetic organisation of stuff into things, with the intention of satisfying the body/mind needs of the human organism (examples of needs : to be dry, to be loved, to be cool, to be fed, to be heard, to be quiet, to be happy, to be warm, to be satisfied [whatever this means for you], to be challenged, to overcome, the need for truth and beauty, to be washed, etc.).

Objects in space are nothing to neutrinos. These chargeless, almost massless particles pass through the walls we build with little fuss. Humans, are complex arrangements of charged point vibrations in quantum fields. Every sensory receptor on and within the body is part of a ceaseless interaction with everything else, and always with needs to be met (read non-exhaustive list of examples above). The accumulation of these interactions we call life. A good life, in retrospect, is the accumulation of quality interactions with the everything else of the universe. Our service to you is in the thoughtful arrangement of stuff into things, so that you may accumulate the types of interactions required for a good life, whatever this means to you.

Love Heck